Lafayette Chess Club
We [Chess Players] like to think.

2019 Louisiana Open
5SS, G/120 d5, except for RD. 1, which is G/75 d5. SITE: Discovery Inn & Suites, 120 E. Kaliste Saloom Rd., Lafayette, La. 70508. Free parking. To reserve by phone, call 337-235-0858 and reference Lafayette Chess Club and Louisiana Open. RR: $50.00 plus tax.
REG.: Sat. 9:00-9:45. Rounds: Sat. 10am, 1:30pm, 6pm. Sun. 9am, and 1pm. Byes: One ½ pt. available if requested before 2nd rd. Prizes: 70% returned. 1st 200; 2nd 150. 3 person in each class or combined. EF: $70. Entry/Info: Checks payable to Lafayette Chess Club. No electronic devices of any kind in Tournament Hall; no mon roi, no Ipad/Ipod Touch. Medically approved hearing aids may be used; bring supporting Medical documentation.
May 25 & 26, 2019
REG.: Sat. 9:00-9:45
Rounds: Sat. 10am, 1:30pm and 6pm. Sun. 9am, 1pm
Discovery Inn & Suites, 120 E. Kaliste Saloom Rd., Lafayette, La. 70508
Club News

Lafayette City Champion
Jace Etienne

First Place Winner
​Christian Ferguson
Lafayette Chess Club's own
Christian Ferguson scored 5 1/2 out of 6 Lake Charles Chess Camp Febuary, 2019.

Scholastic Chess Tournament
Lafayette Chess Club's own
Eswar Dhanireddy scored 4 out of 5 in the Trinity Klein Lutheran School Scholastic Chess Tournament January 19, 2019.

Contact Lafayette Chess Club
Club meets Friday 6pm til.
At the Discovery Inn & Suites
120 E Kaliste Saloom Rd
Lafayette, Lafayette Parish 70508